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Top 5 HR Trends That Impact You Now
The world of HR is constantly evolving, and new trends continue to emerge. Are you aware of these trends? Are you!-->…
Potential Benefits of a Multigenerational Workforce
For likely the first time ever, America’s workforce will soon be composed of four generations: millennials,!-->…
How Scheduling Can Help Maximize Workforce Labor
Every employer wants to maximize worker productivity. To help get the greatest effort from staff—and the biggest!-->…
Employee Turnover Guide
Turnover is the percentage of workers who leave and are replaced by new employees. Tracking turnover can help HR!-->…
Predictive Analytics in HR: A Primer
This paper emphasizes how analytics can help HR leaders scrutinize the problems inherent to these processes. It!-->…
Supporting Organisation-wide Innovation Through Effective Recruitment Practices
HR is uniquely placed to enhance or hinder innovative behavior and practices within the organization. The most!-->…
The Internet of Things proliferates the collection and analysis of hard data to enable better business decisions!-->…
The state of talent management
Mobile employees connect to work anywhere, anytime, blurring distinctions between personal and professional life.!-->…
Cohesion Between Finance and HR Leads to Insight
The intersection of human resources and finance can produce some invaluable workforce insights. Executives need!-->…
Transforming the Workplace with Hybrid Models
Change happened fast. Organizations adapted quickly to remote work, going into a tactical mode by “doing it light”!-->…