160 employees of Bpm’online jump out as the company rebrands to Creatio.

While all significant rebrandings need a leap of faith, the Bpm’online team really leaped off of an aircraft to announce the company’s rebranding as Creatio.   The company unveiled the Creatio logo in a spectacular fashion on a banner hoisted by one of its employees mid-descent during a live broadcast on Wednesday morning. The broadcast included a video revealing the company’s new name.  About 160 workers of Creatio participated in a skydiving event to mark the anniversary. Among them was Katherine Kostereva, the company’s founder, CEO, and managing partner, who acknowledged that, like the majority of the group, she had never leaped before.

The goal of the rebranding is to better represent Creatio’s mission to provide a platform that enables organizations to easily construct their own applications without requiring programming expertise, in addition to making the previous bpm’online simpler to recall. The goal is to lower the expenses that IT departments incur when they buy additional goods or deal with difficult integrations that are tacked on by point solutions.  Custom workflows for sales, marketing, and customer care operations may be created with ease using the company’s drag-and-drop CRM and low-code process automation tools. The business has historically faced competition from PipelineDeals, SugerCRM, and Maximizer as bpm’online.

The old bpm’online will now refer to its product line as Creatio Sales, Creatio Marketing, Creatio Service, and Creatio Studio in addition to adopting a new corporate design and logo. Additionally, they will be referred to as “Creatios” when users create their own apps, whether they do so by using a template or their own creativity.  In the video, Kostereva states, “We create a world where any company idea can be automated in minutes,” and she is thrilled to be rebranding to usher in “a new era of enterprise software.”  Executives in the video, however, emphasized that nothing about the company’s goods, personnel, or overarching plan will change as a result of the name change to Creatio.

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